Аддолората а Пиацца Буэнос Айрес
Santa Maria Addolorata a Piazza Buenos Aires
Sta Maria Antiqua
Santa Maria d'Aracoeli
де Монсеррато дельи Спагноли
Santa Maria de Monserrato degli Spagnoli
деи Мираколи
Santa Maria dei Mirakoli
деи Монти
Santa Maria dei Monti
деи Сетте Долори
Santa Maria dei Sette Dolori
делл Анима
Santa Maria dell'Anima
делл Арчетто
Santa Maria dell'Archetto
делл Орационе е делле Морте
Santa Maria dell' Orazione e delle Morte
делл Орто
Santa Maria dell'Orto
делла Визитационе
Santa Maria della Visitazione
делла Виттория
Santa Maria della Vittoria
делла Консолационе
Santa Maria della Consolazione
делла Концезионе де Каппуччини
Santa Maria della Concezione de Cappuccini
делла Концезионе ин Кампо Марцио
Santa Maria della Concezione in Campo Marzio
делла Куерциа
Santa Maria della Quercia
делла Луче
Santa Maria della Luce
делла Навицелла
Santa Maria della Navicella
делла Паче
Santa Maria della Pace
делла Пиета
Santa Maria della Pieta
делла Скала
Santa Maria della Scala
делла Страда
Santa Maria della Strada
- история:
- The Santa Maria della Strada was the first church of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order, soon it became too small.
делль Умилта
Santa Maria dell'Umilta
дель Кармине
Santa Maria del Carmine
дель Мар
Santa Maria del Mar
дель Орто
church of Santa Maria del Orto
дель Пианто
Santa Maria del Pianto, or Virgin of Grief
- история:
- The church was built in 1616 to house a miraculous image of the Madonna.
- The facade remains unfinished.
- The Madonna venerated in the church, which is placed at the high altar, is said to have wept at the sight of a murder in the street.
- A popular contest was staged here during the Counter-Reformation.
Boys from various parishes took part in a catechism competition, and the winner was declared an "emperor of Christian doctrine".
He was carried in triumph before the Holy Father, from whom he could request a favour.
- место:
- Rome, 20 Via Santa Maria dei Calderari
- посвящённый предмет:
- сайт
- site
дель Пополо
Santa Maria del Popolo
дель Приорато
Santa Maria del Priorato
дельи Анджели
Santa Maria degli Angeli
ди Лорето
Santa Maria di Loreto
ди Перпетуо Соккорсо
Santa Maria di Perpetuo Soccorso
ин Аквуиро
Santa Maria in Aquiro
ин Арачоли
Santa Maria in Aracoeli
ин Валицелла
Santa Maria in Vallicella
ин Домница
Santa Maria in Domnica
ин Козмедин
Santa Maria in Kozmedin
- оформление:
- Базилика.
- Перестройки 772...795 и 12 в.
- предмет с изображением:
- иллюстрация [1142 VI]
ин Монтесанто
Santa Maria in Montesanto
ин Транстевере
Santa Maria in Transtevere
Santa Maria
- история:
- It was built on the site of church of Santa Maria Antiqua.
- This was demolished so that the older church could be uncovered.
- оформление:
- - 1902.
Santa Maria Maggiore, St Maria Major
- вид храма:
- базилика
- basilica
- church
- оформление:
- ~362.
- состав:
- капелла
- техника:
- фреска
- fresco
- история:
- Фрески погибли во время перестройки здания.
- автор:
- Гоццоли Б.
- Benozzo Gozzoli
часть восточная (1673 )
- east part
- оформление:
- Арх. К.Райнальди.
- предмет с изображением:
- иллюстрация [1989 c. 174]
Santa Maria Nuovo
Регина дельи Апостоли алла Монтаньола
Santa Maria Regina degli Apostoli alla Montagnola
Скала Коэли, Лестница на небеса
Santa Maria Scala Coeli, Santa Maria the Stairway to heaven
- вид храма:
- церковь
- church
- место:
- Рим
- Rome, Via delle Tre Fontane
- история:
- Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, at the site of St Paul the Apostle's martyrdom.
- The church was built by Giacomo della Porta in 1538 above an earlier church.
- The name of the church refers to a vision St Bernard had in the crypt. While praying, he saw souls of the departed entering Heaven by a ladder through his prayer.
- The church belongs to the Trappist monastery San Paolo alle Tre Fontane.
- On the stairs leading to the church, you can see some writing and drawings scratched into the stone. This is probably information from the architect to the builders.
- The crypt is thought to have been the prison where St Paul was held before his execution.
- On your way down the steps, look for a light-switch.
- An old tradition claims that 10.000 Christian slaves who died while building the Baths of Diocletian are buried here.
- The number must be exaggerated, but it is likely that there are catacombs in the hillside where many slaves who died in that project are buried.
- No matter the actual number, they are venerated here as St Zeno and Companions.
- St Zeno's relics were moved to Santa Prassede in the 9th century.
- There is a shop in the gatehouse where you can buy products made by the Cistercians, including chocolate and liqueurs.
- техника:
- мозаика
- mosaic
- посвящённый предмет:
- сайт Churches of Rome