A chapel dedicated to Our Lady was built here, over the Roman tombs of the Domitii family, by Pope Paschal II in 1099. It was financed by the people of Rome, which explains its appellation. Tradition claims that emperor Nero was buried on the slope of the Pincian hill by the piazza. In 1099, Pope Paschal II had his remains disinterred and thrown into the Tiber at the request of those who lived in the area. The chapel was built were the grave had been.
It was enlarged and consecrated as a church by Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241).
Baccio Pontelli rebuilt it between 1472 and 1479 on the orders of Pope Sixtus IV, making this one of the first Renaissance churches. He also had a monastery built adjacent to the church, and both were given to the Augustinian monks. It was in this monastery that Martin Luther stayed during his visit to Rome in 1511.
Bernini carried out alterations to the facade and the interior in the 17th century, on orders from Pope Alexander VII (1655-1667).
The present titular of this church is H.E. Hyacinthe cardinal Thiandoum, archbishop of Dakar.
The Augustianian friars sang office there earlier, when there was a larger community here.
The choir was extended by Bramante between 1500 and 1509, on orders from Pope Julius II.
Cappela contains the tomb of Bishop Girolamo Foscari (died 1463), by Vecchietta, as well as tombs of various members of the Cybo family.
The altarpiece by Carlo Maratta depicts Assumption and Four Doctors of the Church.
Below the altar is an urn containing the relics of St Faustina, which were brought here from the catacombs.
The frescoes are by the school of Pinturicchio, and have recently been restored.
On the left, the tomb of Cristoforo cardinal della Rovere (died 1478) is by Andrea Bregno, and that of Domenico Cardinal della Rovere (died 1501) is by Mino da Fiesole.
On the right side is the tomb of Ludovico Cardinal Podocatoro (died 1504), made c. 1508.
the tombs of the Francesco cardinal Castiglione (died 1568) and Antonio cardinal Pallavicini (died 1507)
monuments of bishop Rocca (died 1482) and archbishop Ortega Gomiel of Burgos.
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Behind the sanctuary are the funerary monuments of Ascanio cardinal Sforza, died 1505, and Girolamo Basso cardinal della Rovere, died 1507, both by Andrea Sansovino.
You will see the coat-of-arms of the architect Pontelli, an oak tree, in several places.