The facade, which was renovated 1991-1992, was inspired by Gesu. It has two rows of Corinthian pilasters that are connected with volutes. Above the door is a dedicatoryu inscription and votive niches.
first chapel on the right
Scenes from the life of St Charles Borromeus
Road to Calvary
The dome is very beautiful, especially if you happen to get just the right light.
In the ceiling is another fresco by Casolani, depicting The Ascension, Angels and Doctors of the Church. In the vault and the arches of the chapels are stucco angels by Ambrogio Buonvicino.
Музиано Дж. {1041}
Неббиа Ч. {1040}
БР и Младенец со свв. Лаврентием и Стефаном {1039}
Поклонение волхвов {1040}
Рождество {1041}
The Dream of St Joseph