Церковь Живоносный источник в Царицыне
Church of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Wellspring in Tsaritsyno
Построена владельцем усадьбы князем Дм. Кантемиром.

This church sits on a plot of land purchased in 1775 by Catherine the Great herself.

She called the area Tsaritsyno and commissioned architects to design and construct a lavish palace to rival those of St.-Petersburg. However, once construction of the palace was well underway, it is said that Catherine came out for a visit, took one look at it, and decided she didn't like it.
Another architect was hired to rebuild the palace, but after a few more years of construction, the project was abandoned.
The palace now exists in a perpetual state of incompleteness. Quite charming and romantic really - like unrequited love.
Other buildings have since sprung up around the palace, one of which is the Church of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Spirit. It was added in the 19th century and only enhances the ambiance of Tsaritsyno.

В 1940 закрыта.

Использовалась как производственый цех.
Вновь освящена в 1990.
Действует воскресная школа.
престол Живоносный источник
throne of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Wellspring

придел Казанский

chapel of Virgin of Kazan

придел св. Димитрия Солунского

chapel of St Dmitry

часовня Успенская на Котляковском кладбище

chapel of Dormition on Kotlyakovskoye cemetery
иерей Александр Лаврин
иерей Александр Петров
иерей Алексий Потокин
иерей Алексий Табашников
прот. Георгий Бреев, настоятель
иерей Игорь Фёдоров
по средам, пятницам, субб. и малым праздн. утреня и Литургия в 9 ч.
по воскр. и великим праздн. - две Литургии в 7 и 10 ч., накануне всенощное бдение в 17 ч.
предмет с изображением:
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin hram