Большой Успенский собор
Great cathedral of the Assumption (Dormition)
Здесь проходили торжественные церемонии «вокняжения», венчание на царство (начиная с первого русского царя Ивана Грозного) и с 18 в. коронование императоров.
Является усыпальницей московских митрополитов, а затем патриархов "Всея Руси".
Возведение в этот сан также проводилось в этом соборе.

Cathedral of Dormition holds a special place in Russian history and culture. The cathedral had for many centuries served as Russia's state and ritual center where grand princes were proclaimed and appendage princes swore allegiance to them, Czars were enthroned and, later, emperors were crowned. It was here that bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs were inaugurated, governmental acts were read out and grand services were held before the beginning of military campaigns and after their victorious completion. It is the resting place of the heads of the Russian church of the 14th-17th century period, among them the relics of thaumaturgies Peter, Jonas, Philip and Hermogen. The lofty destination of the cathedral accounted for the special attention accorded to it over centuries, with the best architects, artists and jewelers doing their utmost to adorn it and the rulers donating numerous objects of worship. In the beginning of 20th century when the world discovered for itself the phenomenon of Russian medieval painting, the world's best collection of 12th-17th century icons was found in the Cathedral. The world's knowledge of Russian art would have been much poorer but for the relics of the Cathedral of the Assumption.

The erection and reconstructions of the cathedral took place at crucial periods in Russian history. It was founded in the early 14th century when the Moscow princes had just started bringing all Russian lands together, and Ivan Kalita was contending for grand princedom writ. In 1326, Metropolitan Peter whose seat was in the city of Vladimir, and prince Ivan Kalita laid, at the top of the Kremlin Hill, the cornerstone of the cathedral consecrated, like the main cathedral in Vladimir, to the Assumption of the holy Virgin. Moscow emerged on the political scene as the successor of Vladimir. In December 1326, Metropolitan Peter passed away and was buried in the cathedral whose construction had not been completed yet. His successor, Metropolitan The Ognost moved his residence to Moscow, which further strengthened the positions of the Moscow princes in their contention for grand princedom and the unification of Russian lands.

Experts have long attempted to reconstruct the initial aspect of the cathedral. The material evidence on which they base their conclusions is confined to the 15th century icon "Metropolitan Peter. “Vita icon" in which the cathedral is shown, and the remains of the foundations discovered by archaeologists. It was a single-dome church of modest size with tall chapels adjoining the main section on three sides. The walls were decorated with modest bands of carved white stone.

In 1344, Greek artists and their Russian pupils decorated the first cathedral building with frescoes and probably they painted some surviving icons. Among these it the breast-size image of Christ pantocrator which already in antiquity became known as “The Saviour of the Firce Eye” an epithet conveying the idea of the stern and formidable image. Considerable dimensions and the visage create the impression with pronounced wrinkles on the forehead, hollow cheeks and penetrative eyes. The tension is heightened by the contrasting combination of dark green and almost white colors in the depiction of the face and the bright red coloration of the mouth.

In 1395, troops led by powerful Tamerlane were approaching Moscow.
In preparing for the defense, the Muscovites brought the miraculous icon “The Holy Virgin of Vladimir” from the city of Vladimir by Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky in the mid-12th century and became the city’s main relic and protector against enemy raids.
Shortly after the ceremonial meeting of the icon in Moscow, Tamer lane’s troops unexpectedly retreated, which was associated with the intercession of the miracle-working image.
From that time “The Holy Virgin of Vladimir” was considered as the main relic and protector of Moscow Russ.

10 января 1589 в приделе Похвалы БР многочисленный собор архиереев избрал митрополита Иова патриархом Московским и всея Руси.
13 октября 1989 состоялся единичный молебен у мощей новопрославленного патриарха Иова.
23 сентября 1990 отслужена первая после перерыва литургия (на переносном антиминсе).
1326...27 - 1472. 1472... - 74. 1475...79.
Собор патриарший.
престол Успенский
church of Dormition придел Поклонения веригам ап. Петра, затем свв.апп. Петра и Павла(1328 )
chapel of the Adoration of the Apostle Peter's chains, then chapel of SS Peter and Paul придел Похвалы БР
chapel of Praise for Virgin придел св. Дмитрия Солунского, юго-восточный
chapel of St Dmitry Solunsky придел свв. апп. Петра и Павла, северо-восточный
chapel of SS Peter and Paul колокольня
bell tower
гвоздь Господень

гроб Господень гроб митрополита Филиппа II
tomb of St Phillip II

Евангелие Лицевое икона
icon иконостас место патриаршее (первоначально митрополичье) место царское Ивана Грозного
tsar's place место царское Марии Ильиничны {5234}
tsar's place

мощи московских митрополитов
посох св. Петра, митр. Московского
stick of St Peter

риза Господня
robe of Christ шатёр
Иван Наседка, ключарь
Собор изначально служил также местом погребения русских святителей, митрополитов и патриархов. Надгробные памятники русским иерархам располагаются вдоль стен по периметру храма. Белокаменные надгробницы указывают место захоронения. Сами захоронения находятся под полом собора.
подражание, повторение:
Вологда: собор Софийский (1568...70 )
Vologda: cathedral of St Sophia
предмет с изображением:
icon иллюстрация картина
painting миниатюра миниатюра лаковая {h0030}
varnish miniature

монета юбилейная 1 р.

postal card
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption caroun.com
внешний вид
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption
внешний вид
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption xxc.ru
внешний вид
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption palekh.narod.ru
внешний вид
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption palekh.narod.ru
интерьер, центр
Успенский собор в Москве
Great cathedral of the Assumption palekh.narod.ru
интерьер, роспись
эскиз декорации Федоровского Ф.Ф. к опере М.П.Мусоргского "Борис Годунов". 1946.
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin hram